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6 January 2024   Pforzheim, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra - Epiphany Concert (Bartók, Massenet, Komitas, Schreker) MORE


28 January 2024   Osaka, Japan: Osaka Shion Wind Orchestra - Subscription Concert (Grainger) MORE


4 February 2024   Pforzheim, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, Louis Schwyzgebel (Piano) - Subscription Concert (Arnold, Mozart, Roussel, Haydn) MORE


29 February 2024   Brussels, Belgium: Brussels Conservatoire Wind Orchestra (100 Years of British Band Music) MORE


1 March 2024   Brussels, Belgium: External Examinor, Conservatoire Conducting Examinations


17 March 2024   Pforzheim, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, Friedemann Breuninger (Violin) - Subscription Concert (Dhamabutra, Vasks, Pärt, Britten) MORE


19 - 22 March 2024   Pforzheim, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra - CD Recordings (Erskine)


30 March 2024   Konstanz, Germany: Southwest Germany Chamber Orchestra - International Violin Festival 


31 March 2024   Ravensburg, Germany: Southwest Germany Chamber Orchestra - International Violin Festival


1 April 2024   Augsburg, Germany: Southwest Germany Chamber Orchestra - International Violin Festival


7 April 2024   Neu-Ulm, Germany: SBU in the Edwin-Scharff-Haus


10 - 12 April 2014   Singapore: International Conducting Masterclass, hosted by SAF


21 April 2024   Singapore: SAF In Harmony in the Esplanade Concert Hall


28 April 2024   Pforzheim, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, Äneas Humm (Baritone) - Subscription Concert (Schoenberg, Debussy, Strauss, Zemlinsky, Mahler, Busoni) MORE


12 May 2024    Offenbach, Germany: Capitol Orchestra, Fabio di Casola - Subscription Concert (Mozart, Hamerik) MORE


25 May 2024   Bangkok, Thailand: Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra, Louis Schwyzgebel (Piano) - Subscription Concert (Berlioz, Saint-Saëns, Ravel, Bizet) MORE


31 May 2024   Taoyuan, Taiwan: Osaka Shion Wind Orchestra - Taoyuan Music Festival MORE


1 June 2024   Taoyuan, Taiwan: Conducting Masterclass (Beethoven Symphony 1) MORE


3 June 2024   Taipei, Taiwan: National Taiwan Normal University - Conducting Department Exams, Jury


15 June 2024   Solothurn, Switzerland: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, Sebastian Bohren (Violin) - Stretta Concerts (Mendelssohn, Bruch, Beethoven) MORE


16 June 2024   Pforzheim, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, Sebastian Bohren (Violin - Subscription Concert (Mendelssohn, Bruch, Beethoven) MORE


5 - 6 July 2024   Faro, Portugal: Orquestra do Algarve - International Piano Festival


21 July 2024   Weilburg, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, Olga Schepps (Piano) - Weilburg Castle Concert (Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert) MORE


9 August 2024   Bangkok, Thailand: Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra, Emmanuel Ceysson (Harp) - Subscription Concert (Dhamabutra, Glière, Sibelius) MORE


14 August 2024   Jeju, South Korea: Symphonic Band of the South Korean Navy, Steven Mead (Euphonium) - JIWEF MORE


5 - 7 September 2024   Staufen, Germany: International Conducting Masterclass - Conducting Festival, Staufen BdB Academy MORE


17 September 2024  Kanagawa, Japan: Senzoku Gakuen College of Music - GWE Grainger-Workshop


22 September 2024   Osaka, Japan: Osaka Shion Wind Orchestra, Eitetsu Hayashi (Taiko) - Subscription Concert MORE


28 September 2024   Schwetzingen, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, Oliver Schnyder (Piano) - International Mozart-Fest (Holst, Mozart, Martin, Schubert) MORE


29 September 2024   Pforzheim, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, Oliver Schnyder (Piano) - Subscription Concert (Holst, Mozart, Martin, Schubert) MORE


3 - 5 October 2024  Offenbach, Germany: Capitol Symphony Orchestra - CD recordings (Mozart, Viotti, André)


6 October 2024   Offenbach, Germany: Capitol Symphony Orchestra - Subscription Concert (Mozart, Viotti, André) MORE


7 October 2024   Neu Isenburg, Germany: Capitol Symphony Orchestra - Symphony Concert (Mozart, Viotti, André) MORE


19 October 2024   Pforzheim, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, Felix Hahn (Harp) - Concert for the Friends of the SWDKO (Mozart, Handel, R. Hahn, Haydn, Bocherini) 


6 November 2024   Riga, Latvia: Riga Music Highschool - Orchestra Workshop on Beethoven Symphony No. 2


7 - 8 November 2024   Liepaja, Lativia: Liepaja Symphony Orchestra, Oskars Petrauskis (Saxophone) - CD recordings (Esenvalds)


15 - 17 November 2024   Modica, Italy: 3rd International Frederick Fennell Conducting Competition - Jury member MORE


6 December 2024   Kanagawa, Japan: Senzoku Gakuen College of Music - FWE Concert 


2 - 3 January 2025   Leiria, Portugal: AFCL Conducting Masterclass MORE


4 January 2025   Leiria, Portugal: AFCL New Year's Concert MORE


2 February 2025   Pforzheim, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, Sergio Pires (Clarinet) - Subscription Concert (Haydn, Copland, Marshall) MORE


1 March 2025   Osaka, Japan: Osaka College of Music - Subscription Concert MORE


23 March 2025   Pforzheim, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, Claudio Bohorquez (Cello) - Subscription Concert (Juon, Schoeck, Mieg, Bartok) MORE


30 March 2025   Lüneburg, Germany: Lüneburg Symphony Orchestra (Theater Lüneburg) - Symphony Concert (Debussy, Martinu, Roussel, Ravel) MORE


13 April 2025   Neu-Ulm, Germany: SBU in the Edwin-Scharff-Haus


17 - 18 April 2025   Tokyo, Japan: International Conducting Masterclass (Haydn, Beethoven, Holst, Caplet) MORE


26 April 2025   Osaka, japan: Osaka Shion Wind Orchestra - Subscription Concert MORE


9 May 2025   Bangkok, Thailand: Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra - Symphony Concert


16 May 2025   Weisbaden, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra - Wiesbaden Mozart Society Concert MORE


17 May 2025   Bad Homburg, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra - Bad Homburg Schlosskonzerte MORE


18 May 2025   Pforzheim, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, Sophie Klussmann (Soprano) - Subscription Concert (Britten, Vaughan Williams, Finzi, Coleridge-Taylor) MORE


25 May 2025   Hsinchu, Taiwan: Hermes Wind Orchestra - Concert


22 June 2025   Koblenz, Germany: Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie, Jeniffer Stumm (Viola) - Symphony Concert (Haydn, Serley, Bartok, Kodaly) MORE


23 June 2025   Mayen, Germany: Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie, Jeniffer Stumm (Viola) - Symphony Concert (Haydn, Serley, Bartok, Kodaly) MORE


27 June 2025   Reichenau, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra - Insel-Klassik (Mendelssohn, Delibes, Fauré, Schubert, Mozart, Beethoven) MORE


29 June 2025   Pforzheim, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra, Sergej Krylov (Violin) - Subscription Concert (Mendelssohn, Prokofiev, Beethoven) MORE


13 July 2025   Kanagawa, Japan: Senzoku Gakuen College of Music - GWE Concert 


23 July 2025   Konstanz, Germany: Southwest German Chamber Orchestra - Konstanz Music Festival


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